Apprenticeship as Mechatronics engineer


Mechatronics engineer (M/F/D)

As a mechatronics technician, you are an electrical specialist and a metal specialist at the same time. You learn everything about metalworking and electrical engineering as well as the basics of hydraulics, pneumatics and control technology. After your training, you will also have a good knowledge of control and regulation technology.

Training as a mechatronics technician (M/F/D) takes 3.5 years.

  • Comprehensive basic training in the training workshop

  • Creation of circuit diagrams, wiring of control cabinets, PLC programming and commissioning of electrical systems

  • Turning, milling and CNC machining, hydraulics, welding course, programming of robots, electro-pneumatics

  • Support of the technical departments in the planning and commissioning of customer projects

  • Cooperation in the departments training workshop, service departments electrical engineering and mechanics, technology center

  • Prerequisite for the apprenticeship is a general university entrance qualification, a technical college entrance qualification or the intermediate school leaving certificate

  • Interest in technical contexts

  • Enjoyment of working with technical equipment

  • Ability to work in a team and enjoy contact

Neunkirchen (Siegerland), Giebelstadt

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