What are the advantages of a vertical lift module?

Save space, gain efficiency, increase ergonomics or master the path to digitalization. With the SSI LOGIMAT® vertical lift module, SSI SCHAEFER offers an ideal storage and picking solution for small parts with a wide range of objectives and a part of Lean Management.


Your small parts storage challenges - solved with the SSI LOGIMAT

The advantages of the vertical lift module are manifold:

  • Goods-to-person principle offers a high level of convenience and increases efficiency

  • Compact design has economical and environmental advantages

  • Highest storage density for small parts, up to 90% less storage space

  • Increase performance of over 20% thanks to automated processes and ergonomic design

  • Simple user guidance and little training required

  • Individually configurable and customized to your needs

  • Robust machine technology for maximum availability

  • Simple connection to SAP with the connect:IT add-on

The SSI LOGIMAT is the perfect solution for a maximum density storage strategy that optimizes the use of floor space and height.

SSI LOGIMAT® Icons Advantages

Warehouse space optimization: Save space and reduce costs

Is your warehouse bursting at the seams? Do you urgently need space for additional goods? Another Advantage of vertical lift modules is its size. With the SSI LOGIMAT you can gain up to 90% additional storage volume in the same space. To get the most out of the SSI LOGIMAT, various principles are combined with each other: Optimized height and space with just one system.

Saving warehouse space with SSI LOGIMAT.

How to save space with the SSI LOGIMAT

  • Optimum utilization of the room height: The design principle, in which shelves can be stored one above the other at a height of up to 24 m, creates plenty of space for your stored items. The SSI LOGIMAT is supplied from a height of 2,450 mm and can be individually adapted to your room height in increments of 100 mm. The simple formula applies here: The higher the lift, the more storage space is offered. The cost efficiency - i.e. the price per square meter of storage space - also decreases as the height increases.

  • Storage compaction and warehouse space optimization: Automatic detection of the height of the stored goods means that the warehouse is significantly compacted. The height of the tray and its contents is measured after each storage operation. Thanks to the option of storing trays in 25 mm increments, the system can find the optimum storage location for the respective material and react to changing goods heights at any time. This requires neither mechanical intervention nor programming. If required, the vertical lift module can also be installed completely outside a given warehouse in its own housing. This means that the required storage space is completely relocated to the outside.

  • Use of suitable containers: This can achieve a further compression of more than 50%. The aim is to accommodate the maximum number of SKUs on each individual tray. This can be achieved by using subdividable and suitable containers. The LMB bin series was therefore developed to perfectly match the SSI LOGIMAT . On the other hand, software-supported storage strategies make it possible to increase the utilization or fill level of the individual containers in order to achieve the highest possible compaction.

The integration of a vertical lift module can therefore achieve significant increases in capacity and cost reductions. Our experts will be happy to advise you on how to get the most out of your warehouse.

Save time in the warehouse: how to increase the efficiency of your small parts logistics

Are you looking for higher picking performance with maximum flexibility? The SSI LOGIMAT is based on the "goods-to-person" principle and places the required items in the operator's access area. Travel times for employees can be almost completely eliminated. This allows them to concentrate on the picking process and work with maximum efficiency.

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Using several vertical lift modules in parallel

The use of two or more SSI LOGIMAT vertical lift modules means that there are virtually no waiting times. Whenever a shelf is accessed, the next one should already be prepared. In this way, several appliances can be controlled by one person. Such an interplay should always be designed in such a way that the warehouse employee never has to wait for the next tray, but can always access a tray that is ready.

Our experts will be happy to show you which principles of order picking can be used to achieve your goals and how an optimum combination of vertical lift modules and corresponding software may look like.

The speed of the SSI LOGIMAT can be further increased by using powerful drives or the LOGIDUAL option. With LOGIDUAL, the next tray required is always moved to a waiting position behind the operator opening so that the subsequent tray change can be carried out as quickly as possible.  

Picking at SSI LOGIMAT in combination with SSI WEASEL

Vertical Lift Module Options: added value through additional functions

Vertical Lift Module LogiMat®

Features and Technical Data of the SSI LOGIMAT®

Work more ergonomically: Maximum occupational safety, fewer sick days

Back problems are one of the most common causes of absenteeism. The ergonomic design of workstations is important to keep employees healthy. With the SSI LOGIMAT and its numerous ergonomic features to protect the back, you can turn your warehouse into an attractive working environment.

The SSI LOGIMAT presents the goods at a convenient height of 800 mm. This allows order pickers to access the goods conveniently from above. The additional LOGITILT option also automatically tilts the trays so that goods can be conveniently removed from lower-stored containers.
However, SSI SCHAEFER does not only focus on ergonomics in the warehouse when it comes to handling and lifting loads. Throughout the entire storage and picking process, many small details contribute to a holistically ergonomic working environment. For example, the glare-free LED lighting in the operator opening ensures fatigue-free working. Another example is the use of touchscreens on the vertical lift module. This eliminates the need for mobile terminals and allows operators to work with both hands free and without any distracting wearables.
When designing software interfaces, a central focus was also placed on the topic of work ergonomics. Process steps are visualized in a self-explanatory manner and enable a fast learning curve when working with the system thanks to intuitive operation.

Saving warehouse space with SSI LOGIMAT.

Reduce costs through error-free order picking

Avoiding errors in order picking is often one of the biggest levers for reducing logistics costs. The SSI LOGIMAT helps you achieve this with software support and innovative features.
Unlike storage costs for buildings and energy, transportation costs and personnel costs for picking and packaging, error costs are often incalculable. But many errors can be eliminated with the right technical and organizational measures.


Typical error-prone processes

A warehouse process can be subdivided into many error-prone sub-processes:

  • Errors in the identification of goods

  • Errors during storage

  • Removal of the wrong goods

  • Error when counting the goods

  • Mixing up of goods after picking

In addition to its high compression and efficient provision, the SSI LOGIMAT also offers valuable tools, to enable users to work almost error-free. The basis for this is formed by intelligent software applications that guide the user intuitively and provide the necessary information in context.

The various software modules of the SSI LOGIMAT support numerous other organizational measures to prevent errors. Starting with the display of article images on the screen, through verification by barcode to the connection of counting scales, the processes can be designed with a very high level of security.

The SSI LOGIMAT as a building block for your digitalization strategy

Inventory security, process traceability and a permanently transparent warehouse can be the goals of digitalization. Regardless of whether you are still at the beginning or already living the concept of the digital factory: the SSI LOGIMAT with its flexible software solutions can be integrated as a simple building block.

With the easy-to-use software, the following concepts can be implemented without major IT effort:

  • Communication between warehouse and merchandise management or ERP system

  • 100% transparency of stocks and orders

  • Paperless picking

  • Use of barcode or RFID technology

  • Pick-by-Light

  • Print receipts and labels directly in the process

  • Transparent inventory thanks to clean data

However, in order to take advantage of the full range of benefits and digitalization modules, a connection to a higher-level system is usually advantageous. The direct link to a higher-level ERP or WMS networks your processes and creates transparency. 

Picture of the LOGIMAT touch panel

Stand-Alone Controller for the SSI LOGIMAT®


LOGIONE: One Vertical Lift Module – One Software Solution

Vertical Lift Module LOGIMAT (Type SLL)

Direct Control of SSI LOGIMAT® with SAP


WAMAS Lift & Store

The SSI LOGIMAT as a central element of Lean Management

 A tidy warehouse offers

  • Protection of stored goods from dust and other environmental influences

  • Transparency about the actual stocks

  • Increased work safety due to less material standing around

  • Reduced search and travel times

  • Protection against inventory differences and stock shortages

A vertical lift module system can make all the difference and help to create order in the long term. With its clean and straightforward appearance, the SSI LOGIMAT creates maximum transparency. In order to guarantee maximum success, there are a few questions that you should consider in connection with the purchase:

  • Which goods are stored in the vertical lift module and which are not?

  • Which containers and partitioning options should be used?

  • Which processes should be implemented (e.g. FIFO, LIFO etc.)?

  • What defined areas will be required for storage and retrieval?

The specialists at SSI SCHAEFER will be happy to advise you. Get in touch with us!

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