Successful start to the Software Summit
New event format from SSI SCHAEFER highlights the key role of software in intralogistics
Continuously expanding software know-how for innovative customer solutions
Automation in combination with the right software is the key to optimizing warehouse logistics. However, linking the two coherently and efficiently requires expertise that needs to be continuously developed. That is why 70 SSI SCHAEFER experts from around the world came together at the Austrian software headquarters in Friesach near Graz to combine their software expertise and exchange ideas in extensive discussions on development and the future.
WAMAS® - Software that connects and moves
In the face of ever more demanding markets and customer requirements, companies and their logistics need to be dynamic and adaptable to remain competitive and be able to implement new, profitable business models. In this context, SSI SCHAEFER’s logistics software WAMAS® serves as the pacemaker of modern intralogistics systems and processes where one cog runs smoothly into another. “WAMAS has been driven by the competence of our 1,100 software experts for almost 30 years and proven by worldwide successes,” states Martin Frischenschlager, Vice President of Product Line Software. “We have established close partnerships with many of our customers for years, often decades. It is this success that drives us to look ahead together and become even better."
Forging ideas and securing customer success together, sustainably
With the new format “Software Summit”, SSI SCHAEFER is further expanding its associated commitment. 70 employees from Spain, Italy, Denmark, Brazil, Mexico, and the USA followed the invitation to Friesach. Under the motto “connect-exchange-evolve”, the speakers at the Software Summit provided insights into best practice cases, new strategies, and forward-oriented solutions. “"Right now, it is enormously important that we again create an intensive, personal exchange across national borders. With this event, which will be held annually from now on, we want to foster cooperation between the global divisions, sharpen common goals and expectations, and discuss key aspects of our software strategy,” explains Martin Frischenschlager. “We have a unique team of employees from the areas of software development, consulting, product management and project implementation with an enormous amount of know-how. You can feel the positive spirit and the drive - and that is exactly what we need to offer our customers the best solutions. Today and in the future.”

Cross-divisional thinking and acting as a driver for innovation
For customers to achieve their return on investment in the shortest possible time, it is SSI SCHAEFER’s task to provide and implement future-oriented software technology that, in addition to the required performance and efficiency, also ensures the longevity of a chosen warehouse logistics solution. Regular WAMAS product releases contribute to this, incorporating the results of a constant exchange among experts - from product development to sales and implementation.
The focus is on two main topics:
Increased modularization and standardization of the software - enhanced by maximum flexibility and the possibility of customized adaptation to individual business processes.
Increased digitization and connectivity along the supply chain to be able to control complex automated processes optimally using real-time analysis, smart data processing and optimization algorithms, and to ensure seamless transparency.
Consequently, WAMAS is much more than a warehouse software. WAMAS links all performance modules of an intralogistics system to a process-safe and at any time scalable overall solution without media discontinuity. At the same time, WAMAS offers numerous options for flexible, tailor-made customizing. Furthermore, the end-to-end transparency gained is more important today than ever to make companies' intralogistics more resilient and agile, also thanks to intelligent features.