Is Your Warehouse Safe Enough? Safety First!

As the world’s leading provider of products and systems for intralogistics material flows and waste engineering, SSI SCHAEFER have developed and provided our customers worldwide with innovative warehouse storage systems. Concurrently, SSI SCHAEFER are working to ensure the installations continue to perform safely for our customers throughout the many years of operation.

HR Campaign Brochure

Is Your Warehouse Safe Enough? Safety First!

No matter how big your warehouse is or what goods you store, safety should always come first because dangers are everywhere in the warehouse. These range from improper vehicle use to obstructed aisles to unidentified rack defects. 

We can support you in this! Contact us! 

Regular inspections and training are important, not just to protect your employees, but also to avoid costly damage to equipment! Can you comply with these strict requirements and regulations during ongoing operations? When using heavy equipment, handling hazardous goods, or storing and retrieving a large number of products at short intervals, professional warehouse safety management is essential.