Apprenticeship as Industrial mechanic, specializing in maintenance


Industrial mechanic, specializing in maintenance (M/F/D)

As an industrial mechanic, specializing in maintenance, you will be involved in the operational maintenance and monitoring of technical systems. You monitor the production processes and ensure the quality of the products. Your tasks include metalworking, welding and soldering as well as working with specialized software. You will also be responsible for setting up and testing hydraulic and pneumatic circuits for control technology. You will also build jigs and fixtures for production, such as templates for welding.

Training as an industrial mechanic, specializing in maintenance (M/W/D) takes 3.5 years.

  • Produzione di componenti 

  • Produzione, montaggio e smontaggio di impianti semplici e complessi

  • Manutenzione e riparazione di impianti e macchine 

  • Risoluzione dei problemi e analisi delle cause principali in caso di fermo impianto

  • Ottimizzazione delle apparecchiature esistenti

  • Installazione, risoluzione dei problemi e, se necessario, riparazione di sistemi pneumatici e idraulici

  • Diploma di scuola media superiore o diploma di scuola professionale

  • Capacità di lavorare in team e flessibilità

  • Buona conoscenza della matematica e della fisica

  • Interesse e comprensione delle interrelazioni tecnico/funzionali

  • Alto livello di impegno e voglia di imparare

Neunkirchen (Siegerland), Giebelstadt

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I started looking for an apprenticeship as an Industrial Clerk two years before I graduated from high school. After a one-year wait, it all worked out at SSI SCHÄFER.
I was very surprised to get my own laptop on the very first day of training, which I can use for myself during my training. Of course, working on the computer makes up a large part of my working time. But there are also interesting meetings and various team activities. In the meantime, I've become quite familiar with the SAP software, which is used everywhere here.
I work in all departments here. I started in product management, where I learned a lot about our products. Then I was in the mailroom, where I got to know many colleagues. At the moment I'm in the shipping department.
My colleagues are very attentive and thoughtful and support me in every way. I have also already recommended training at SSI SCHÄFER to others.
Since a while I have also been a member of the youth and trainee representation here in Neunkirchen.

Thomas, 19 years
3rd year of training as an Industrial mechanic, specializing in maintenance
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Thomas, 19 years
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