Successful application? No problem for you!

Of course, the first impression counts. But how can you make it particularly convincing? We reveal tips and tricks that will help you make a great impression!


Application tips for your apprenticeship or internship

Have you found your dream job and discovered the right apprenticeship with us? Or would you like to get your first taste of the company during an internship and see where your journey can take you? Then let's get started together! We look forward to your application - which is guaranteed to succeed with our tips:

Your Resume

A tabular resume gives us a good overview of what you've done so far. It should contain the following information:

  • Don't forget the title!

  • Your personal data

  • Your school education and possible degrees

  • Have you already done an internship? Write it down!

  • Special skills and abilities

  • Hobbies you would like to share with us

Your cover letter

In your cover letter you convince us with your personality! This is the best way for us to get a first impression of you. Pay attention to the following:

  1. before you start writing, you should read the job advertisement again carefully!

  2. address your cover letter to the contact person indicated and refer to the job advertisement in the text.

  3. What skills and abilities are expected? What tasks are associated with the position?

  4. tell us why you meet the requirements particularly well.

  5. describe your skills and give us some examples of how you have used them so far.

  6. be yourself! Put some effort into your wording, but don't pretend to be yourself.

Your Documents

Everything at the start? Make sure that your application is error-free and complete. This checklist will help you:

  • Read through your documents again before you send them off.

  • Are the company name and contact person in the cover letter correct?

  • Is it clear which position you are applying for?

  • Are there any spelling mistakes?

  • Have you listed all the important stages in your resume and sorted them chronologically?

  • Please also send us your last two half-year or final school reports - and your internship report if you have one!

Job Openings

Visualizza le nostre attuali offerte di lavoro. Attendiamo con ansia la tua candidatura!

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