Cold chain management in intralogistic

Comprehensive and effective cold storage logistics that meet changing consumer behavior is now more in demand than ever. In times of pandemic and supply chain issues, a just-in-time approach no longer seems appropriate for many companies.

More extensive storage capacity is needed so that food manufacturers, supermarkets, restaurants and pharmaceutical companies can guarantee fast deliveries. Cold chain storage is at a premium for vaccines and other pharmaceuticals. Online grocery ordering is mainstream because of wider e-commerce adoption. 

What does this mean for cold storage operators? The time is now to invest in your cold chain solution.

For companies within this growing market, warehousing concepts need to include intralogistics systems and processes with high performance and the best possible availability. SSI SCHAEFER’s intelligent manual, semi- and fully automated solutions are the key to success here. All temperature ranges can be covered with our technologies and all legal obligations are implemented as standard.