
As the data controller responsible for processing, we have taken technical and organisational security measures pursuant to Art. 32 of the GDPR. This includes in particular measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data. Furthermore, we have established processes to guarantee that the rights of the data subject, erasure of personal data and immediate response to threats to such data are ensured. We also ensure the protection of personal data as early as the development and selection of hardware and software in accordance with the principles of Art. 25 of the GDPR. All of our employees and persons involved in data processing are bound to compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and other laws related to data protection as well as the confidential handling of personal data.

Kun henkilötietoja kerätään ja käsitellään, tiedot salataan kryptografisesti ennen niiden siirtämistä, jotta kolmannet osapuolet eivät voi käyttää niitä luvattomasti. Tietoturvatoimenpiteitämme arvioidaan jatkuvasti suhteessa teknologian kehitykseen.

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